Beaumont Banned Police Officer’s Bible Study

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When the City of Beaumont banned police officers from having Bible Study on their lunch-break, Briscoe Cain stood up for the officers and Beaumont backed down.

Here are some quotes from the news:

Breitbart News:

For years, police officers in the Beaumont Police Department have held a voluntary Bible study at the police station during their lunch hour. The City of Beaumont has now demanded that the officers cease doing so.

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Cain told Breitbart Texas,At a time when the lives of those who serve and protect us is under the microscope in a way we’ve never seen before, a City Manager and City Attorney have singled out our men and women in blue and demanded that they stop coming together to pray and read the Bible.” The officers’ lawyer added, “This is one of the most blatant attacks on Christianity and anti-police officer moves we have seen a city take. I’d expect something like this from California, but this is Texas.” He said, “The term ‘Pray for Police’ has taken on a new meaning.”

Washington Times:

Briscoe Cain, an attorney representing the four officers who lead the Bible study, criticized the city at a news conference Friday, saying the officers don’t shed their First Amendment right to freedom of religion “when they enter the workplace.”


Cain says he wants to see city officials take sensitivity training with the Texas-based Liberty Institute concerning the officers’ First Amendment rights.  He says the issue is of utmost importance to Americans.  “All of us should want and press for a very vigorous and broad protection of our First Amendment rights,” he notes.

For now, Cain says it’s good news that the officers can resume their Bible study.  But it’ll be better, he says, if the city can be pressured into a full reversal of its position instead of the partial reversal it’s adopted. “With the holiday season and Christmas season upon us,” he observes, “it is not just our free speech rights but our religious rights that make this nation a free place.”

Video of the News Story are available below: